make bootable usb on ubuntu
just note how to make bootable usb on ubuntu
First - unmount usb devices
- use umount /mnt/sdb1
- can't unmount? try fuser -km /mnt/sdb1
Check - Linux should see usb device
- use command fdisk -l. shoud see /dev/sdbX
- lsblk
Write image
- sudo dd bs=4M if=/mnt/ubuntu-14.04.5-server-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb1
Write image and monitor progress
- install pv by apt-get install pv
- dd if=/mnt/ubuntu-14.04.5-server-i386.iso | pv -s 2G | dd of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4096
Dont forget sync!
- sudo sync
Easiest way is use
- gparted
- unetbootin