WebRTC for Real-Time Communications
What is WebRTC
- WebRTC - Wikipedia - The History, Overview
- Twilio (https://www.twilio.com) - Free for STUN, Paid for TURN
- ooVoo SDK (https://developers.oovoo.com/) - Free, but Paid for commercial products.
- XirSys SDK (http://xirsys.com/developers/) - Free for STUN, Paid for TURN
- Appear.in - just embedded, only backgrand customize
WebRTC Libs/Framework
- SimpleWebRTC (https://simplewebrtc.com/)
- adapter.js - AdapterJS provides polyfills and cross-browser helpers for WebRTC
- EasyRTC - Javascript API hides the differences between Chrome and Firefox browsers and simplifies coding needed for working WebRTC apps.
- PeerJS - focus on P2P
WebRTC Test Tool
WebRTC Server
- kurento
- Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC)
- Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
- rfc5766-turn-server - TURN server. Seem the project discontinued. -> move to coturn
- coturn - Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server
Conference - need MCU!
- licode - Open Source WebRTC Communications Platform.
- janus - Janus is a WebRTC Gateway developed by Meetecho
- webrtc-experiments - Great samples here, don't miss!
- face-recognition-server - An face recognition experiment with WebRTC, Websockets, OpenCV and Python.
- p2p - PeerConnection broker for WebRTC
- js-motion-detection - This project tries to provide as a basis for other motion-detection apps
- webrtc.github.io/samples - WebRTC samples live