visitor map service list อันนี้ลองใช้แล้ว ขอใช้ง่ายมาก
- Who's Online - maps recent visitors to your website
- WDE - A Free Location Map for your web
- GeoLogX Locative visitor log by Arclight - Maps the location of visitors to the website. The PHP source code is available under the LGPL open source licence.
- Google Maps Guestbook - Allow visitors to add comments on a map of the world.
- MapStats - Blog statistics with visitors tracked onto Google Maps.
- EvoStats - Stats with visitors tracked onto Google Maps
- - Track visitors to your website using Google Maps.
- Map IP locations by Claire - Map the IP location of visitors to your web site.
- GeoTool - Map the location of IP address or hostname.
- GeoVisitors module for Joomla! Displays visitors on Joomla powered websites on a Google map.
- GeoCommunity Extensions for Joomla! Displays visitors on Joomla powered websites on a Google map. Integrated with Community Builder.
- guestMap source code guestMap is a PHP/MySQL script that utilizes Google's Map API and a MySQL database to allow visitors to your website to "mark" your website.